"Arbeta smartare med e-post och kalender i företagsklass"


For those who have extra requirements for eg. email and calendar functionality, Microsoft Exchange is a great option. In addition to all features in Outlook such as shared calendars, shared e-mail addresses etc, every client also has an Outlook Web App.

Outlook Web App is a webmail that looks and works like your regular Outlook application no matter where in the world you are. If you have a mobile phone with an Exchange client, such as Android, Iphone and others. You can get Exchange fully integrated into your phone. Contacts and calendar are also synchronized. Possibility to restore daily backup is available on request.

With Exchange you always have the latest information wherever you are. On your desktop, phone, and tablet – everything in sync.

The leading email and calendar system

With Hosted Exchange, we offer the market’s leading solution for e-mail, calendar and contacts. Hosted Exchange gives you the ability to share email, contacts and calendars with each other, no matter where you are.

Virus protection, spam filter (anti-spam) and daily backup are also included.

Divided into 3 levels

Exchange is available in 3 levels depending on your needs.


Exchange Basic is a basic version with 2Gb storage. The basic version includes Outlook Web App (webmail)


Standard version includes an Outlook 2016 client.


The extended Enterprise version also includes support for mobile synchronization and the possibility to lock the phone, for example, if it is stolen. Furthermore, a so-called online archive where you can store old emails for archiving.

You choose how much storage space you want. 8-16Gb storage is included by default but you can expand as needed.

On your own computer, the latest version of Microsoft Office Outlook or Apple Mail is normally used.


Thanks to Outlook’s “auto discover” feature, it is very easy to set up a new account. You enter your e-mail address and password in Outlook and the program itself looks up the settings for your account.

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